"When I got back to the lodge it was 18 degrees and snowing but it was beautiful and I love it. Later it started raining torrents for hours, First it was 24 hours and then the rain kept coming for 48 hours which started flooding everything and a swath 15 feet wide blew out all the way down to the bottom where the trail to the tipi starts. I surveyed the damage and was blown away by it, walking down the swath and marveling at it all. The Flood of '95."
"On the 4th of February Asha came up to the tipi for an overnighter and we walked to Big Knob for a pipe ceremony. This was the famous blizzard walk where Asha's hands froze solid and I had to warm them up with my hands and my gloves. She was really suffering but the walk was purely magical for me. Walking in such splendor is what it is all about and I live for it, all the rest can live in the dark ages with telephones and television, just give me the higher technology of rocks and sky and cold and snow. Amen."
"I recently returned from a big yoga convention in Washington DC and must say here that my heart was not into it. I was mentally maladjusted and just saw no point in following a path that seemed to have no heart. Everyone just seemed too unnatural, too long indoors and too uptight. Just give me the woods and the rain and the wind and the chanupa and the inipi and let me pray as an aborigine and let me go. Sitting like a robot in a chair and bowing to priest types hardens me up and makes me sad."
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