One of the best pow wows in my area was one put on in downtown Damascus, Virginia, and attended by a wide variety of red road enthusiasts. The above foto shows Mary Walks With Wolves after an afternoon of dancing in the October autumn mountain air of beautiful Damascus. The top shot shows an indoor pow wow at Radford University in Virginia.
I camped many times at this North Carolina pow wow and most time in my Westwind tent and once in an old Walmart tent. It was in an open 40 acre field perfect for camping with several tipis and other tents set up. Darry Wood, the best tipi maker in the country, came every year with one or two of his excellent tipis.
This camp and pow wow was east of Charlotte and was held in a park with a huge open field. I put my little tent next to a line of trees and spent much of my time in a tipi belonging to Garland Humble Bear. At night after the dancing many of us would head to his tipi for a night of coffee, stories, songs and drumming.
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