Here is Blue Eagle, one of my fellow dancers and vendors. He was an expert on beadwork and regalia and a great guy to talk to.
Here are some other pow wows I attended:
**Loris, SC pow wow where I camped in a butt cold rain and danced and talked to pow wow bums who lived in converted school buses and vans. I didn't always use my small tent and for this pow wow I used a 9x12 Ozark Trail sieve deluxe tent, a leaking piece of nylon crap made serviceable only by rigging a tarp fly over it. I gave it to the church yard sale without a second thought.
**Tweetsie Railroad pow wow. I was excited to have a pow wow close by so I showed up[ on a Thursday and put up my North Face Westwind tent and prepared for the pow wow with enthusiasm. Just about the time things picked up an angry black mean looking cloud pulled up and over us and the wind picked up and the sun went away. Rain started falling and everybody ran away to their cars and tents and tarps and tipis.
Suddenly as the wind ripped and the rain torrents hit, a freak tornado touched down near the circle and ripped right thru like a chain saw with cars lifted off the ground and poeple picked up and thrown around. Zoe lost her tarp and her crafts, Gene lost his car, and Nelson had all the windows in his car blown out. One car was lifted and had its door ripped off. Two people had to be taken to the hospital. It was during the high wind that my tent swayed so bad that several poles were split.
**Hickory NC pow wow.
**Bristol VA pow wow and it's a rained out mess.
**Greensboro NC pow wow in Jamestown where I spend the night by a parking lot. It was a bust as there wasn't a decent tent spot so I just set up by the cars and trucks.
**ASU indoor pow wow.
**Suffolk VA pow wow where it was too hot for comfot and I was glad to leave.
**Johnson City TN pow wow where I stayed in the big Walmart tent.
**Hamlet NC pow wow with Gary at the Richmond Community College.
**Riner VA buffalo pow wow set up next to a herd of 36 buffalo.
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