At this campsite I learned that a down bag does not keep you warm in a cold winter wind without a tent but I used it anyway for years as an easy bedroll camp.
For many months I'd go to sleep there and in the middle of the night a stray black dog would curl up next to me and sleep. By morning at the crack of dawn he was gone. We were friends and we didn't even know it. I miss that fellow.
One time at this spot in order to stay warm in the cold wind I pulled the facehood drawstring of my bag tight until only a small hole was left for my mouth. Sometime in the night I woke in a panic with my suffocating face buried in the bag with the hole around at the back of my head. I tried to jump up but I squirmed and flailed until somehow I unzipped the thing and got out panting and very nervous.
It was also at this camp that I was caught in the pouring rain and so I quickly grabbed my things and put the sleeping bag in my mouth to carry and in the process chewed a big garden slug in half as it was attached to the outside of the bag. One half fell on the ground and one half sat in my mouth. Spitting it out in disgust I moved camp a few feet to a small porch overhang, a little concrete slab just big enough to keep the rain off.
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