The first lodge I built used strictly deadfall and old chestnut tree trunk sides as I didn't want to cut anything down that was alive. I already had a pretty good idea on how to set up a tripod and how to fill in a circle, and then I covered this frame with tarps and more wood and eventually capped off the top and added the rest of the wood, forming several layers.
One secret to enduring the harsh winters and the winds was an outside berm of dead leaves I built encircling the entire lodge around its base. This layer kept me warmer and helped my woodstove to use less wood. My backpacking days were far from over, everything I needed had to be humped up the tipi trail to the top, including food, water,(I found a spring seep right below the lodge), the woodstove, clothing and all the rest. This would be my home for the next 15 years.
Just wanted to say how much of a joy it is to read through a lot of your postings here. I know it's a real personal blog and it's nice to see a part of your life that you cherished.
I remember seeing some of the Tipi photo's before at trailjournals and am still amazed at the fact you built it and then lived there for so long. Amazing!
Thanks so much, I look forward to seeing your new posts (here and at trailjournals) each day.
Hey Stephen--
If it wasn't for you signing my guest book on trail journals, I probably never would have started this blog, so thanks.
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